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Thursday, December 11, 2008


If you feel moved to put a different colored stone on any of these chakras please do. The above are guidelines only.
First Chakra (Feet to base of spine)
The first chakra represents our relationship with our physical bodies and with the material world. It grounds us in physical existence. When balanced, its energy helps us to blend the physical and spiritual, and to eliminate that which is no longer needed for growth. We enjoy physical existence. When unbalanced, we may be afraid of life, feel like victims, withdraw from physical reality, or operate in our own interests only. Physical symptoms can include any difficulties with feet, legs, or lower back.
Stones associated with the first chakra:
Black tourmaline: This is a protective stone when you feel threatened at the survival level.
Hematite: This stone helps you to set protective boundaries when you feel as if others are intruding into your private space.
Black and snowflake obsidian help you to see what material things you no longer need for growth.
Smoky quartz, the lightest of the dark stones, helps to blend the energies of the first and seventh chakras.
Tiger's eye helps you to feel secure about physical existence.
Any of these stones may be placed at the base of the spine or at the feet.
Second Chakra (just above the pelvic bone)
This chakra is most directly related to energy flow, as expressed in the flow of blood, and especially with the energies of sexuality and creativity. It is also deeply connected to the five physical senses.
When it is unblocked people feel fully alive, energetic, spontaneous, guilt-free. and in full appreciation of their bodies. When it is unbalanced reproductive organ diseases, joint stiffness, and various blood disorders may result.
Stones associated with the second chakra:
Bloodstone can stimulate energy.
Carnelian is associated with creativity and decision-making.
Red garnet encourages patience.
Red jasper helps to connect us to the flowing energies of the earth.
Ruby, the stone of passion, enhances sensory awareness.
Ruby in Zoisite is a way to benefit from ruby's energy in a grounding form.
Third Chakra (navel and solar plexus area)
This is the chakra of physical and material power, with an emphasis on mastery in the physical realm, especially the ability to manifest one's hopes and dreams. It relates to expressing one's unique individuality in the physical world.
When it is unblocked people feel self-confident, have a clear sense of purpose, and pursue dreams which others would consider impossible. Imbalances appear as lack of self-confidence, insecurity about money or other physical things, and may also express itself in terms of being aggressive or using one's power to dominate others. Physical symptoms are usually digestive.
Stones associated with the third chakra:
Aragonite has a calming and stabilizing effect, especially on emotions such as anger and stress.
Citrine is the stone most related to manifesting abundance and to the balanced use of will.
Golden calcite helps to integrate new energies and beliefs areas related to personal empowerment, such as relationships and business.
Malachite releases congestion in the solar plexus, and aids creativity.
Rhodochrosite assists in deep breathing, thus helping to relieve anxiety and tension.
Rutilated quartz helps to add enhanced creating energy to our dreams.
Pyrite helps us to come up with creative ideas which can help bring abundance in our lives.
Tiger's eye helps to teach us good timing in terms of when to act on a dream.
Unakite Unakite helps us to understand the mental and emotional sources for it. It is also believed to help release conditions which have been inhibiting personal growth.
The Fourth Chakra (heart area)
This chakra relates to love and emotional well-being. When it is unblocked we give love unconditionally and attract to ourselves those people who give us an abundance of love. When it is blocked we feel the lack of love in our lives as keenly as those with third-chakra blockages feel a lack of material security. Heart conditions are the most common physical symptoms.
Stones associated with the fourth chakra:
Aventurine is the stone most related to physical health and heart balancing.
Emerald relates most directly to the spiritual aspects of love.
Green calcite Eases old, limiting beliefs (especially those based on fear) from the mind so that new ideas can flourish.
Green tourmaline opens the creative elements of the heart, i.e., adding an emotional depth to one's creations.
Lepidolite helps to calm the heart and relieves stress.
Malachite releases congestion in the solar plexus, and aids creativity.
Malachite-Chrysocolla blends malachite's ability with chrysocolla's gift of soothing and calming.
Pink Calcite helps to release old and hurtful emotional patterns so that the heart can be open to receive and give unconditional love.
Rhodochrosite helps to relieve anxiety.
Rhodonite helps us to be patient with others.
Rose quartz is the stone for helping to create unconditional self-love.
Fifth Chakra (throat area)
This chakra governs communication and mental creativity. When it is balanced we communicate easily and effectively with others in both written and verbal form. This includes being able to constructively express anger and other emotions. When it is blocked communication is difficult to impossible, and these may be the people who say, "I'm just not creative.
In my experience there can be more physical blockages associated with the fifth chakra than with any other. These can include excessive eating and drinking (good ways to keep the throat busy while preventing communication), and a range of respiratory diseases. Teeth and gum disorders fall into this category, as well.
Stones for the fifth chakra:
Angelite helps us to communicate with angels and other nonphysical beings, as well as aiding in long-distance communication. It also helps to dissolve anger.
Aqua Aura teaches us self-expression through service to others.
Aquamarine helps us to express ourselves in a tranquil way.
Blue lace agate helps to ground our communications with a sense of what can be accomplished.
Blue Topaz Helps us to communicate fearlessly that which we know to be true, and also stimulates creativity.
Celestite helps to calm the over-active mind and teaches us how to be receptive
Chrysocolla helps one to have self-confidence in personal expression.
Larimar enables us to communicate with others that which we feel deeply in our hearts and souls.
Turquoise helps us to enroll others to help in the manifestation of our desires.
Sixth Chakra (between eyebrows)
This is the psychic center, and, when unblocked, the source of intuition, esp, and other psychic abilities. This chakra is particularly related to the fears of cultures which wish to believe only that which they can experiences with the physical senses, and blockages abound, including fear of the imagination, of dreams, and one's "irrational" intuitions. Physical symptoms of blockage may include persistent headaches, insomnia, and anxiety.
Stones associated with the sixth chakra:
Amethyst, known as nature's tranquilizer, helps in sleep and in peaceful dreams.
Azurite helps us to consciously look at old programmed beliefs and dissolve them.
Charoite helps to dissolve fears, both known and unknown.
Hawk's eye helps us to see our lives as with aerial vision.
Kyanite reminds me that everything which happens is for a purpose, and that we are ultimately in charge, and often brings to surface beliefs we have accepted as fact.
Lapis helps us to discover our hidden beliefs and bring them to the surface.
Sodalite helps in balance when one is emotionally or mentally confused.
Moss agate helps to balance the left and right sides of the brain.
Sugilite helps to release resentment and guilt.
Seventh Chakra (crown of the head)
The seventh chakra is our direct connection to spirit. When it is balanced we understand our relationship with the universe. We dissolve the illusion that we are separate from other humans and other forms of life. We appreciate our uniqueness and our places as parts of the whole. When it is blocked we compare ourselves to others or to internal checklists (and usually find ourselves wanting). We feel lonely, we are afraid of death. Stones associated with the seventh chakra:
Clear calcite brings spiritual understanding to problems on the earth plane.
Clear quartz There are many forms of clear quartz.
Danburite helps us to view what happens in our lives from the soul perspective and have a feeling of calmness and serenity even when life seems very difficult.
Herkimer This form of clear quartz is especially brilliant, and has a particular ability to dissolve chakra blockages.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Stone Massage

A stone massage uses stones, sometimes heated, to massage the body. The hardness of the stones allows the therapist to address specific problem areas with more detailed work or deeper pressure. Basalt stones of various sizes, shapes and weights are used throughout and heated in water.

The stones are used in two ways during the massage. One is to impart heat onto the body by laying stones under the client with a layer of fabric between the client and stone (a sheet or towel) and/or on top of the client, again upon a towel. Stone layout typically will be along both sides of the spine, or along the chakra centers on top and baseball sized stones would be placed in the hands. While these layout stones are delivering concentrated centers of heat, the therapist is simultaneously massaging the client with oiled, heated stones held in the palm of the hand with firm strokes along the muscles of the legs, arms, and torso areas.

An authentic hot stone massage is not simply the "gliding" of heated stones lightly upon the surface of the skin, but rather the stones are used as tools to deliver effective tissue and muscle massage at a pressure level comfortable to the client. The client can request light, medium or deep pressure, which is the beauty of the hot stone massage technique. It can be customized in an instant to the request of the client. The hardness of the stones makes for a deep tissue massage and is easy on the joints of the therapists hands.

The heat from the stones relaxes muscles, increase the blood flow to the area being worked on which further accelerates the healing process. This increase in circulation and the relaxation of the muscles also aids in mental relaxation. Mental relaxation is key when a Therapist is attempting to work into deeper muscles of the body.

Stones need to be kept heated in clean, sanitized water between 120 to 130 degrees Fahrenheit (about 50°C). Typically, gloves, tools, or mesh bags are used in removing stones from the hot water for sanitary reasons since hot water promotes the growth of bacteria. Alternatively, water temperatures kept too low may allow the proliferation of bacteria, algae, and mold, especially if the water has not been changed. Ideally the water should be changed for every round of sessions the therapist performs, the stone should be thoroughly cleaned and dried between patients. Your therapist or practitioner should have attended an intensive course over a period of a few days, with a resultant qualification. While the length of time the practitioner has spent being trained can be important, in general a recognised qualification from a reputable practical training source is preferred.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


10 Most Popular Crystals For Healing
Author: Eric Cho
Crystal healing is an idea first popularized in the west in the 1930s. Most common crystals belong to the quartz family from Australia, Brazil and Arizona. They are inexpensive and can be purchased online or by ordering from health shops. There are many crystals with a unique set of healing abilities.
Alternative healing is one of the fastest growing sectors of the medical world. More and more people are turning to homeopathic remedies to heal themselves with zero chance of side effects. Here are 10 fantastic crystals to help you heal yourself.
1. Salt crystal rocks improve the quality of air by enriching it with negative ions. These ions are natural air ionizers and have several health benefits. Patients suffering from chronic congestive problems are treated using these crystals.
2. Rose quartz crystals have the ability of soothing and calming a person. The crystal encourages love for the patient and others. This crystal has a warm pink color and heals physical heart ailments and emotional heartbreaks. Hanging this crystal around your neck in times of sadness will boost natural healing.
3. Jade is a green healing crystal for the heart and kidney. Additionally, it offers mental and emotional balance to someone. The crystal teaches acceptance, carries calming and serene energy and helps one get less critical of others and self.
4. Amethysts are bluish to purple crystals that aid in reducing occurrence of nightmares thus allowing one have a better sleep. They can also affect any blood sugar imbalance positively as well as assist in quelling and controlling anger.
5. Fluorite is a crystal that guards one against picking negative energies and negativity from nearby people. It absorbs negativity and keeps it at bay. Placing fluorite in the bedroom at night will help with a resting nights sleep. The fluorite will absorb the negative energies responsible for bad dreams and fitful sleep.
6. Lapis is an Egyptian energy crystal believed to unlock mysteries and help one move through emotional and confusion blocks. Additionally, it digs through muck to the root cause of problematic issues.
7. Hematite is a grounding crystal that is silver-gray and metallic. It is regularly used as a grounding tool that helps those who are inclined to avoid worldly events by out-of-body flights.
8. Kyanite is a blue crystal that facilitates channeling and opens communication centers to contact with your angels and guides. It is best known for the balancing properties it possesses and clears itself of any negative energy.
9. Obsidian crystals are perfect protective and grounding agents that come in various varieties. They help one surrender past pathways or negative habits. It brings about an opportunity for serenity, clarity and change.
10. Citrine is a beautiful yellow crystal that helps people manifests your goals. It also makes one cheerful attracting personal power and abundance. Placing this crystal in your office or home will help to boost the body's natural ability to heal.
Using crystals is a unique way to boost your body's ability to heal itself in a natural way. For those who want to heal without prescription medications and prevent negative feelings in the body (both physically and emotionally) crystals can help.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


"The Most Influential Stone of the Millenium”
Feng Shui MasterEdward Kui Ming Li
Experts within the feng shui circle have recognized the significant properties of the ammolite gemstone in their practice. This gemstone promotes the flow of “Qi” (pronounced chi) throughout the body, enhancing well-being and reducing the body’s toxicity. Ammolite’s rich colours stimulate creativity, energy, wisdom, intellect and wealth. Not only does it bring balance to a person’s body, but also to a person’s surroundings. When the stone is placed in the home, it promotes a happy family, and when it is placed in the office, it promotes good business dealings. In essence, anyone who finds or possesses ammolite is entitled to wondrous prosperity and fortune.
Ammolite is derived from the ammonite fossil. Just the right combination of heat and pressure created this geological phenomenon. It has been buried for the past 71 million years absorbing a substantial amount of both the Earth’s and the universe’s positive cosmic energy. It radiates this energy in every colour of the visible spectrum. Many feng shui experts believe that all matter is energy or qi. One form of this qi is light energy. Our brain interprets light energy as colour, so these colours are specific wavelengths of energy that can be used to balance our qi.
Particularly important are the many colours of ammolite. The multiple layers of colour inside the stone are what creates the sparkling radiance. By examining the stone, one will see the seeds of seven distinct colours: ruby crimson, fiery orange, amber yellow, emerald green, jade, azure and mauve. Hence, some feng shui masters have named it the “Seven Colour Prosperity Stone”. Each colour represents a different meaning. For example, crimson stimulates growth and energy; orange generates creativity, and increased libido; green improves wisdom, intellect and promotes entreprenerialship; yellow improves wealth; and blue promotes peace and health.
Shells have been a symbol of good luck and prosperity in the Far East for decades. They are a symbol of abundance and are believed to attract and store wealth and prosperity. They also enhance clarity and promote cooperation along with encouraging wisdom in decision making.
Only our Canadian ammonites combine the excellent properties of the ammolite gemstone and the good fortune of the shell together in one beautiful and very special fossil. Along with this, many feng shui masters believe that ammonites contain the absorbed knowledge of the universe. The ammonite’s spiral pattern in the center of the fossil mimics the path that the universe’s forces must follow in space. Stored in the inner whorls of the animal, plasmic energy radiates out in this centrifugal motion for the benefit of those in the vicinity. This cosmic energy will enhance health, wealth and enlightenment.
Each different Feng Shui color found in Ammolitehas positive effects on the body and spirit.
It is believed the best combination is ruby crimson, emerald green and amber yellow because it represents growth and richness.